Depending on the Skullcandy wireless earbuds or Skullcandy headphones that you own, their pairing process can differ. This guide will go over ways to pair Skullcandy wireless headphones and earbuds. Read on to know more.
How to Enter Pairing Mode on Various Skullcandy Earbuds Devices
When wondering how to pair Skullcandy wireless earbuds together, you’ll first need to place your earbuds in pairing mode. This allows your earbuds to be scanned by your phone, tablet, or computer’s Bluetooth feature. Find your Skullcandy earbuds on the device names below and follow the steps.
1 How to Enter Pairing Mode on Various Skullcandy Earbuds Devices1.1 Sesh True Wireless1.1.1 First-time Pairing1.2 Push Active True Wireless1.3 Mod True Wireless1.3.1 First-time Pairing1.3.2 Multi-pairing1.4 Grind Fuel True Wireless1.4.1 First-time Pairing1.5 Indy True Wireless1.5.1 First-time Pairing1.6 Dime True Wireless1.6.1 First-time pairing2 How to Pair Skullcandy Earbuds on Various Devices3 How to Pair Skullcandy Headphones on a Source Device4 Final Thoughts
Sesh True Wireless
First-time Pairing
To automatically enter pairing mode when using your Sesh Wireless earbuds for the first time, follow the steps below: To manually enter pairing mode, press and hold the small buttons behind each earbud until they start blinking.
Push Active True Wireless
Mod True Wireless
First-time Pairing
Mod True Wireless earbuds have a multi-pairing feature, allowing you to connect another Bluetooth device on top of your Skullcandy Mod True Wireless earbuds. Here’s how you can do it:
Grind Fuel True Wireless
First-time Pairing
To manually enter pairing mode, proceed to these steps:
Indy True Wireless
First-time Pairing
To enter pairing mode manually, press and hold the button behind both earbuds until they begin blinking.
Dime True Wireless
First-time pairing
To enter pairing mode manually on Dime True Wireless earbuds, do the following:
How to Pair Skullcandy Earbuds on Various Devices
After putting your Skullcandy earbuds into pairing mode by following the steps above, you can now pair them on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. To pair your Skullcandy earbuds on an iOS device, follow these steps: This is a similar to How To Pair Tozo Earbuds to an iPhone or Apple device. To pair your Skullcandy earbuds on an Android device, proceed to the steps below: To pair your earbuds on a Mac, do the following: To pair your Skullcandy earbuds on a Windows computer, follow the steps below:
How to Pair Skullcandy Headphones on a Source Device
Pairing your Skullcandy headphones is similar to pairing your earbuds. After ensuring that your headphones are charged, and the Bluetooth feature is enabled on your source device (phone, tablet, or computer), follow these pairing steps:
Final Thoughts
Skullcandy earbuds are one of the most trusted brands regarding earbuds, headphones, and other audio devices. They’re usually beginner-friendly and are easy to pair with various devices. Hence, this guide hopefully helps you to pair various Skullcandy earbuds and headphone models on your phone, tablet, or computer.