Turning off voicemail may be necessary once you’re overseas and want to avoid additional charges on your network bill. This guide will show you how to turn off voicemail iPhone using simple steps. Read this guide to know more.
How to Turn Off Voicemail iPhone
There are two main workarounds to turn off voicemail on your iPhone. These methods are free and easy to follow on any iPhone model. Remember to review each method and see which one works most for your iPhone:
1 How to Turn Off Voicemail iPhone1.1 Method #1: Using MMI Codes1.2 Method #2: By Contacting Your Mobile Carrier2 Final Thoughts
Method #1: Using MMI Codes
The most common way to turn off the voicemail feature on your iPhone device is through MMI (man-machine-interface) codes. These codes are handy when changing a specific setting from your mobile provider; most are call-related configurations. To turn off voicemail on iPhone using MMI codes, follow these steps:
Method #2: By Contacting Your Mobile Carrier
Another way to turn off voicemail is by contacting your mobile carrier. It’s a straightforward way to disable voicemail, especially when MMI codes are unsupported by your mobile service provider. However, it’s recommended to call them once you want to disable the feature permanently. Also, your saved greetings, voicemail configurations, and automated responses will be deleted. Here are the customer service numbers for popular mobile service providers in the United States:
Verizon: 1-800-922-0204 T-Mobile: 1-877-453-1304 Sprint: 888-211-4727 AT&T: 1-800-311-0500 Cricket: 1-800-274-2538
For other service providers’ customer service numbers, you can find them using a quick Google search. Sometimes, Sprint or T-Mobile Android users may also need to disable preinstalled apps, such as the Carrier Hub app. Our article will explain how.
Final Thoughts
One quick way to respond to unanswered or unattended calls is through voicemail. It’s a built-in feature on most iPhones and is easy to set up. However, you may want to disable voicemail once you want to avoid additional network charges, especially overseas. Hopefully, this guide helps you turn off voicemail on your iPhone.